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Quick Start


Following tutorial assumes that you have previous experience with both VS Code and Docker or have read Environment first.

Overall process starting from setting up environment till merging changes in default branch is the following:

  1. Clone Git Repository.
  2. Install Python Dependencies.
  3. Activate Virtual Environment.
  4. Make Changes in Source Files.
  5. Run Tests.
  6. Commit & Push Changes.
  7. Open Pull Request.
  8. Meet PR Merge Criteria.

Retrieve the Source Code

Due to variations in Docker setup across operating systems, this step has distinct best practices. Please follow the section for your OS below. Once you have cloned the repository, VS Code will start the Dev Container.

Current size of base Docker Image with all system-level dependencies baked in is 2.83 GB, main highlights are:

  • APT Packages: 770.56 MB
  • Git: 423.87 MB
  • Python: 411.28 MB
  • Common Utils: 251.11 MB
  • Debian (Bookwork): 116.56 MB

Mac & Windows


Since macOS and Windows run containers in a VM, "bind" mounts are not as fast as using the container's filesystem directly. Fortunately, Docker has the concept of a local "named volume" that can act like the container's filesystem but survives container rebuilds. This makes it ideal for storing package folders like node_modules, data folders, or output folders like build where write performance is critical.

In order to have optimal performance use the following documentation, but when prompted to provide GitHub repository name use partcad/partcad to clone our main repository:


Since Linux can run Docker Engine directly on your host system, you can use the following documentation to bootstrap environment.

Install Dependencies

We are using Poetry to manage dependencies and virtual environments.


Poetry is a tool for dependency management and packaging in Python. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you. Poetry offers a lockfile to ensure repeatable installs, and can build your project for distribution.

Once the Dev Container is started, open a shell session in the Terminal view of VS Code. The current working directory will be /workspaces/partcad containing the source files. To install Python packages, run the following:

$ poetry install

It will create virtual environment in .venv/ directory and download about 1.5 GB dependencies. Once all dependencies are downloaded Poetry will also install current package in editable mode, and you will see the following:

Installing the current project: partcad-dev (0.7.40)

Activate Environment

In order to update your $PATH and be able to run commandline tools such as pytest you need to activate virtual environment:

poetry shell

After that you will be able to run pc, for example pc version, which will output something along the lines:

INFO:  PartCAD Python Module version: 0.7.40
INFO:  PartCAD CLI version: 0.7.40

Make Changes

Make necessary updates, for example in current Quick Start editing docs/mkdocs/docs/development/

Run Tests

We are using both Unit and Functional testing with main tools being pytest & Behave:


The pytest framework makes it easy to write small, readable tests, and can scale to support complex functional testing for applications and libraries.


behave uses tests written in a natural language style, backed up by Python code.


If you activated virtual environment you can just run pytest from terminal.

You can also use VS Code's built-in Testing integration to run and debug tests via the UI. To set this up:

  1. Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P)
  2. Run Python: Select Interpreter
  3. Select ('.venv': Poetry) .venv/bin/python from the list

You also can run pytest without activating environment via Poetry, for example:

$ poetry run pytest


To run functional tests using behave, execute the following command in the terminal:

$ behave

Feature definitions and step implementations are located in the ./features directory.

Commit & Push Changes

You can commit changes from either terminal or VS Code UI which will trigger local git hooks managed by pre-commit to enforce coding standards and catch some of the problems early.



pre-commit is a framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks.

Configuration file is located at .devcontainer/.pre-commit-config.yaml were you can see all supported hooks.


In rare cases, you might need to temporarily disable hooks. There are two options:

  1. Use temporarily disable hooks to skip specific individual hooks
  2. Use git commit --no-verify to skip all hooks at once

Remember: These hooks are required to pass in CI before PR merge.

Open Pull Request

There are multiple options how PR could be opened, please refer to the following to choose option which works best for you.

Meet PR Merge Criteria

Depending on files changed in PR you might need to get required checks to pass first and get reviews from owners or maintainers, following are related GH docs: